Identifying Belbin’s Team Roles and Supporting them through Learning and Development Initiatives as part of Work Design

 4 Key Learning and Development Jobs Explained - AIHR

In today’s complex cooperate world, constant collaboration and coordination are a requirement for effective team work to take place and for desirable results or outcomes to be generated. With the evolution of the design of work in modern organizations, it becomes increasingly evident that when designing work, organizations needed consider their team individuals on a deeper level in order to support them through learning and development initiatives which would in turn help them work more effectively in a team environment which can be done through role-based trainings. As per (Karpenkova, 2022), role-based training is where learning activities are focused on equipping employees with specified skills and knowledge which is tailored for the employees’ responsibilities and roles in order for them to excel at their jobs. In keeping with (Karpenkova, 2022), one notes that role-based training is an essential component which is a great way to introduce new recruits to their responsibilities or expand the current employees’ capabilities of their roles. It should be noted that role-based trainings do not necessarily only imply through the positions within an organization but also understanding different personality types and different clusters of behaviour to provide training options. These trainings could not only be based upon technical or knowledge related matters, but also providing trainings for individuals across the organization to understand different personalities and to learn about different roles in order to design a positive work environment within teams.

First and foremost, it is of importance to understand and educate individuals the different personality types which can be used to assist in building and developing teams. According to, (Monsalves, Cornide-Reyes and Riquwlme, 2023), the identification of behavioural roles could be done by Myers-Briggs Type Indicator which comprises of 16 different archetypes of personality. In line with (Zárate-Torres and Correa, 2023), Myers Briggs Type Indicator is seen as an instrument designed to determine the decision making of people and how they see the world by having four dichotomies such as:

1.     Extraversion-Intraversion – the focal energy and attention of the individual. Introverst focus their attention inwards whilst extroverts focus their energy outwards.

2.     Intution-Sensing- sensing individuals take information through the utilization of their five senses whilst intuitive concentrate on the focal point of the meaning by instinct.

3.     Feeling-Thinking- Feelers take decisions baed on being people centred whilst thinkers take decsions on logic.

4.     Judging-Percevering perceiving depicts individuals who prefer to seek experineces in the world whilst judgement individuals prefer to organize and keep in order.

Furthermore, (Zárate-Torres and Correa, 2023) points out that the combination of the four dichotomies, results in sixteen personality types: ENFP, ISTJ, ENFJ, ISTP, ENTP, ISFJ, ENTJ, ISFP, ESFP, INTJ, ESFJ, INTP, ESTP, INFJ, ESTJ, INFP. This brings about how personality types are far more complex than what meets the eye with different individuals having different approaches to the way they may carry out their work. This could both work in favour and against in teams as each personality as well can bring about different strengths and weaknesses.

Understanding Different Team Roles through Belbin’s Theory

According to (Adamis etc., n.d.),Belbins theory distinguishes between a functional role which highlights the job demands expected from the skilled and knowledgable person and an individuals role where many team members could have the same functional role but possess differed team roles. In addition (Monsalves, Cornide-Reyes and Riquwlme, 2023), notes that Belbins methodology accounts for identifying individuals strong and weak points which in turn help maximize the work performace when they work in teams by categorizing based on nine roles and grouping them by three profile types. (Channell, 2021), shows that Belbin defines the roles by three categorized groups, namely, action-oriented roles, people-oriented roles, and thought-oriented roles. Through (Aranzabal, Epelde and Artetxe 2022), one notes that Belbin`s categorization and grouping is as follows:

1)     Thinking/Problem Solving roles – Plant, Monitor, Specialist

2)     People Oriented Roles- Coordinator, Teamwork, Resource Investigator

3)     Action Oriented roles – Shaper, Implementer, Completer/Finisher


Furthermore, (BiteSize Learning, n.d.) denotes that Belbin`s nine team roles each have their weaknesses and strengths which may be allowable and intolerable all of which provide a comprehensive framework to understand dynamics in a team. Through (Ramírez, 2021), one is notified that Belbin’s theory denotes balanced teams which possess all nine roles are better at performing as opposed to unbalanced teams which may have multiple duplicated roles.

Belbin’s Team Role





As per (BiteSize Learning, n.d.), coordinators are individuals who are drawn towards leadership with their focus being on getting everyone on the same page. Their purpose driven and makes sure everyone is valued and heard with their strategic persepctive allowing them to see the bigger picture and enables them to move the team towrds the common goal efficently and smoothly. (Channell, 2021), adds on that the role of a coordinator is seemingly depicted as a traditional leader who has a strong grasp of the overall team goals and is seen as talented in delegating tasks to the right individual.


Seemingly, (BiteSize Learning, n.d.), notes these individuals as mature, open minded, good at delegating, confident, promotes decision making. (Channell, 2021) denotes that these individuals are effective delegators as well as utilize their other strength of project management to allocate the right tasks to the right people.


According to (BiteSize Learning, n.d.), they can be seen as manupulative, may avoid taking personal responsibility for some tasks, always coordinating others. (Channell, 2021), points out that they tend to avoid taking responsibility which can be problematic in a team setting and hence seen as a major weakness.



(BiteSize Learning, n.d.), shapers are seen as the dynamic motivator of a team, and is seen as being passionate about driving the team towards success. They excel at coverting ideas into actions and provides the necessary assistance to get things in motion. According to (Channell, 2021), shapers usually are confident extroverts who challenge their team members and do not mind challenging the status quo to find solutions to the problems.


According to (BiteSize Learning, n.d.), they are seen as individuals who thrive under pressure, challenging, open to new ideas and insights with their focus being on having a concrete plan. (Channell, 2021), denotes that they can be seen to have ambition and problem-solving abilities as their main strengths.


Through (BiteSize Learning, n.d., it can notes that these individuals can be irrational and susceptible to frustration with a lack of others feelings being taken into consideration. (Channell, 2021), states that their main weaknesses can be having the potential to cause friction between a team.


Monitor Evaluators

According to (BiteSize Learning, n.d.), monitor evaluators are seen as a crutial asset to the team especially when making imporatnt informed  decisions due to their remarakable ability to weigh the pros against the cons. (Channell, 2021), notes that these individuals are strategic when analysing their ideas whilst having a tendency to enjoy gathering data and evidence.


(BiteSize Learning, n.d.), states that these individuals are are able to detect threats, anticipates problems and judges accurately. (Channell, 2021), notes that these individuals’ strengths can be seen as being strategic and analysing.


As per (BiteSize Learning, n.d.), they lack the passion to inspire others and most often do not account for human factors into consideration. (Channell, 2021), further states that the major weakness of this individual can be seemingly noted to be their lack of leadership.


Resource Investigators

According to (BiteSize Learning, n.d.), resource investigators are seen as the explorer in the team who is always eager to explore new posibilites. They are naturals at establishing contacts and networking and possess vibrant energy. (Channell, 2021), depicts that this role is associated with individuals who find it easier to establish contacts with others in order to get what they need or want from others who are outside the team by unitizing their negotiation skills when required.


(BiteSize Learning, n.d.), denotes these individuals to be extroverted, coomunicative, enthusiastic and highly motivated with challenges. (Channell, 2021), denotes that negotiation and endless contacts are their main strengths.

(BiteSize Learning, n.d.), depicts that they can be over optimistic, can rapidly loose intrest once passed the initial enthusiastic phase. (Channell, 2021), supports the afore by stating that  they can be seen as overly optimistic which is viewed as a weakness as in many cases can backfire.


Team Workers

(BiteSize Learnings, n.d.),protrays these individuals as  warm hearted individual who values ahrmony and cohesion by ensuring everyone in the team feels included and has a level of comfort. They can be empathatic by nature and promotes a supportive and postive environment. (Channell, 2021) states that team workers are seen as collaboration catalysts who bring unity in a group setting and excel at providing their colleagues with a supportive work environment.


(BiteSize Learning, n.d.), denotes that team workers are diplomatic, cooperative, listens and averts friction. (Channell, 2021), adds that these individuals have mediation and perceptiveness as their main strengths.


(BiteSize Learning, n.d.), states that these individuals can be indecisive on many crucial issues. Also, (Channell, 2021), states that team workers have a major weakness of being indecisive. This could be applicable for when major decisions are made which negatively impact the team. This may cause friction within the team as they may go back and forth with their deceions.



As per (BiteSize Learning, n.d.), they tare seen as the teams perfectionist who makes sure each task is completed with maximum quality. They have an eye for detail and commited to finishing what they started which provides the team with assurance. (Channell, 2021), completer-finishers are seen as perfectionists by nature making them a gatekeeper of establishing quality within a team when carrying out each job, ensuring it gets completed on time professionally.


According to (BiteSize Learning, n.d.), completer finishers are conscientious, self-disciplined and actively seeks for errors and omissions and keeps the team accounatble to high standards whilst delivering work on time. (Channell, 2021) notes that meeting deadlines whilst assuring quality work are seen as their major strength traits.


As per (BiteSize Learning, n.d.), they can be reluctant to delegate tasks, worrys unduly and can find others to be unreliable. (Channell, 2021), depicts that they have a tendency to be reluctant to delegate work and may be over worries making these characteristics two major weaknesses they have which may many times have negative effects in bringing about results.



Through (BiteSize Learning, n.d.), one notes that they are disciplined and dedicated individuals who ensure the processes work well and are seen as efficent and capable with translating plans into managebale tasks. (Channell, 2021), adds that implementers are seen as individuals who thrive when turning plans to actions by utilizing methodical systems to do an efficient job.


As per (BiteSize Learning, n.d.), these individuals  are disciplined, conservative, realible and efficent which helps them turn ideas into practical actions through a systematic approach. (Channell, 2021), they can be seen as dedicated individuals who are keen on completing tasks which are their main strength characteristics.


According to (BiteSize Learning, n.d.), implementers can be inflexible, can be slow at embracing new possibilities and does not go above and beyond to deliver outcomes. (Channell, 2021), their major weaknesses can be seemly noted to be resistant to change. This action at times  can be seen as a form of retaliation.



As per (BiteSize Learning, n.d.), they are commited and passionate to their field of experise and strive to expand tehir knowledge to contribute to their team. (Channell, 2021), denotes that this individual has chosen a specific field which they are knowledgeable in and are an expert in a specific subject area and utilize their specialisms to assist.


According to (BiteSize Learning, n.d.), they are self-starting, dedicted and provides the skills and knoweldge required. (Channell, 2021), their strength can be seen as their subject specific expertise being of assistance for teams.


As per (BiteSize Learning, n.d.), their contribution can be seen as narrow as they dwell on technicalities which overlooks the greater picture. (Channell, 2021), these individuals can be too focused on certain technicalities which makes them forge the bigger picture which is seen as a main weakness of theirs.



As per (BiteSize Learning, n.d.), these individuals think outside the box which reults in them constantly generating innovative ideas. In addition, (Channell, 2021), this role sees producing beneficial ideas and developing them as their main responsibility and hence may as well prefer to work alone.


According to (BiteSize Learning, n.d.), they are creative, immaginative and help solve difficult problems. (Channell, 2021), notes that innovation and creativity are their main strengths.


(BiteSize Learning, n.d.), they tend to communicate infrequently and many have difficulty in compramising when putting their ides to practice.

(Channell, 2021), depicts that these individuals may have a tendency to ignore constraints and can be sensitive to criticism which can be seen as their weaknesses.


According to (Gander, Gaitzsch and Ruch, 2020), state that individual differences which are related to personality such as team roles are vital for performing and well-being of both indviduals and teams. (Adamis etc., n.d.), depicts that successful teams owe their success to the composition of roles within their team where Belbin suggested that team roles are defined through the behavioural pattern of how team members interact with each other to achieve success and hence, teams needed have a balance of roles for an effective team.

Through (Gander, Gaitzsch and Ruch, 2020), it has been identified that there is a linkage between team roles and the strength factors of characters which may guide one in taking up specific team roles and impact their performance in the role. As per (Aranzabal, Epelde and Artetxe 2022), Belbin emphasise the importance of shared leadership as each role plays an importance which is relavent at each stage of teamwork. It could be noted that at early stages, the need to identify needs and search for ideas is carries out are preferral roles of Plant, Coordinator, Resource Investigator, Shaper. When putting planed ideas into actions or plans, it is of importance to balance between options to utilize knowledge and experinces where Specailists can provide the right knowledge, Monitor-Evaluators can make long term plans and the best role to turn ideas to practice are Coordinators and Implementers. Resorce Investigator and Teamworker are depicted as having the ability to establish contacts outside of the team whilst in later stages Finishers and Implementers who complete tasks and are seemingly more relavent at the latter stages of completeing tasks. Also, (Aranzabal, Epelde and Artetxe 2022),points out that if team members know in adavance their collegues strengths and weaknesses in advance, often times it leads to unbalanced specialism, skill ability and specialism even ethic and gender which limits opportunites to learn. As per (BiteSize Learning, n.d.), gaps in the teams role profile can be leveraged by:

1)     Finding ways to work supporting the missing behaviour, ie: if there is no if the team does not have a Monitor Evaluator, set up checklists and dashboards to help track progress.

2)     Consider brining people from outside the existing team – they could  play a missing role or run workshops by other individuals who may have charactersitics of the missing role in order to get the team an outside contribution aspect.

In addition, (Aranzabal, Epelde and Artetxe 2022), portrayed that an individual can be seen to develop more than one team role within a team due to preferred roles being naturally or the roles which individuals are comfortable with. (Ramírez, 2021), goes to show that Belbin’s theory recognises that behaviours change over time with the response to newer circumstances. In addition (Aranzabal, Epelde and Artetxe 2022), teams do not necessarily require consisting of nine members to cover all the roles. This brings about the notion that with new circumstances team members can evolve from their current roles which may be one specific role and over a course of time play multiple roles within a team’s setting.

Introducing Role Specific Trainings through Learning and Development

Firstly, one must note the importance of the role Learning and Development plays within the context of designing work. (CIPD, n.d.), states that Learning and Development on an individual level is creating environments which are centred around learning where employees can continuously develop to become their best versions. Individuals can become the best versions of themselves through different trainings conducted or requested from the Learning and Development in order to equip their knowledge and skills. (Personio, n.d.) denotes that learning and development is an HR initiative with the purpose being to provide employees with the knowledge and skills required for them to grow their role which assists the company to grow. As identified earlier on, it had been noted that different individuals have different personalities and team roles displayed each having certain traits, strengths and weaknesses of which impact the end results to the organization.

Further, (Vince, 2022), points out that Kolb’s learning cycle depicts learning as endless recurring cycle and not considered to be a linear process. The cycle comprises of four elements which account for concrete experience, observation and reflection, formation of abstract generalization and concepts and testing the implications of the concepts in newer situations. The learning sequence is noted to run from one to four which covers different aspects of the learning experience. Through this learning cycle it is depicted that different learners will have different effects throughout the cycle which implies that they will have either stronger or weaker learning when using the different facets of the cycle. Hence, it should be understood that different stages of learning will have different impacts on each team role and how they may accommodate the trainings to use.

In addition (Sree and Tay, 2017), Fleming`s VARK model depicts the various types of learning styles which comprises of three sensory modalities of taking in information: V – Visual, A-Auditory and K- Kinasethetic sensory. (Karpenkova, 2022), further adds on that different employees have differed learning styles which need to be considered when creating training programmes according to their roles with the four types of learners being:

1)     Visual- learns through visual content.

2)     Auditory- prefers to gather knowledge through listening.

3)     Reading- memorizes information through writing or reading.

4)     Kinesthetic- require hands on experience in order to master new skills.

Work design refers to the overall organization and content of one’s tasks, activities, responsibilities and relationships at work and is applicable to aspects of cognitive, physical and psychological characteristics of jobs in which it is important to cover all aspects of. Learning and Development, hence, plays a critical role in providing the necessary trainings, learnings, and assistance in ensuring the overall impact of work design has a positive reflection on the employee through the creation of a learning environment. As per (Sree and Tay, 2017), individuals often times prefer learning styles which are a blend of the three senses with individuals prefering two or three styles. Once an individual knows which learning type suits them the best, they are able to understand and work at their best. Hence, it is of importance to offer a variety of options to individuals in order to ensure each personality seeks a medium of comfort when engageing in tarinings through methods such as:

1.     In-app trainings (Karpenkova, 2022), states that in app training accounts for driving digital adaptation which enables employees to perform their roles effectively and boost knowledge retention as employees learn the workflow. This is an effective method in accommodating all types of personalities and team roles.

2.     Role playing- (Karpenkova, 2022), denotes that role playing involves simulation training of real-life scenarios employees encounter which can be a type of one- on one training or a workshop.

3.     Video training- (Karpenkova, 2022), states that video trainings accounts for the provision of on-demand trainings for different roles which do not involve continuous supervision and is seen as the best for onboarding and upskilling employees. Th trainings chosen can be from a variety of types such as basic presentations and instructor led videos. This type of training may be preferred by introverted personalities such as ISFP who may prefer to not interact too much with their team members.

4.     In -Person training: the employee is physically present or is in person during any form of learning which can be in the nature of seminars or hands on trainings (Ho, n.d.). Individuals who fall under the eextroverted traits spectrum based on their traits such as the Resource Investigator may find these types of trainings to be most effective as it also gives them an opportunity to network afterwards.

5.     Online Employee trainings- known mostly as virtual or online training takes place over the internet and is inclusive of online courses, collaborative learning and mobile learning experiences (Ho, n.d.).

6.     Blended learning- is a combination of in person training with online training methods (Ho, n.d.).This learning mode increases the interaction within different team roles and helps them know one another on a personal level in order to understnad their personality.

7.     Peer learning- is an active and engaging approach to learning done by empowering employees to build trainings based off their skill set (Ho, n.d.). This learning can also be seen as an opportunity for different team roles to interact with one another and identify manners in order to work effectively by working around each other’s weaknesses and strengths.

Learning and Development teams can support other teams by carrying out learnings which are not only technical skill based but more importantly learnings and trainings on different personalities, importance of each role in a team and helping develop on strengthing their strength characteristics and developing on their weak traits in order to establish better coordination when collaborating.



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Diego Monsalves, H. C.-R. a. F. R., 2023. Relationships Between Social Interactions and Belbin Role Types in Collaborative Agile Teams. IEEE, Volume 11.

Dimitrios Adamis, G. M. K. A. R. O. M. a. E. O., n.d. Belbin’s Team Role Balance and Team Effectiveness in Community Mental Health Teams in an Area of Northwest Ireland: Implications for Leadership. MDPI.

Fabian Gander, I. G. a. W. R., 2020. The Relationships of Team Role- and Character Strengths-Balance With Individual and Team-Level Satisfaction and Performance. Frontiers in Psychology, Volume 11.

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Ramírez, Y. G., 2021. Belbin’s team roles and their performance in road design courses: a study with undergraduate and postgraduates students. ESPACIOS.

Tay, S. N. S. K. a. C. H., 2017. Styles of Learning VAK. International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field, 3(4).

Vince, R., 2022. Reflections on “Behind and Beyond Kolb’s Learning Cycle. Journal of Management Education, 46(6).








  1. A comprehensive article on understanding personality types to better design training and facilitation.

    1. In today`s world, many are required to work in a team setting in which different personalities are encountered. Understanding different personalities are vital in order assess on how to work with the individual and strategically utilze each individuals strengths and weaknessess to the benefit of completing assigned tasks. Hence, it is key that organizations provide trainings on how to work effectively as well as understand different roles there maybe in teams in order to generate the best outcomes.

  2. As mentioned in the article, according to (Aranzabal, Epelde and Artetxe 2022), teams do not necessarily require consisting of nine members to cover all the roles. This is due to the fact that some individuals can display charactarsitics of more than one of Belbin`s team roles be it the strengths or weaknesses due to the behavioural tarits either coming naturally to them or they being more comfortable with certain roles.


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