Assistance of Technology in Designing Better Roles




Can Technology Design Better Roles for Employees?

Firstly, (Bankins and Formosa, 2023) denotes that the increasing use of AI by oragnizations have the infleuntial ability on the work experince on people including if they are experiencing meaningfulness at work. Through (Lammers, Lukowski and Weis, 2022), it is pointed out that the demand for skilled labour increases in a firm due to technological change which is seen as a common firm strategy where technological adaptation with investements made in trainings. As per (Hötte,Somers and Theodorakopoulos 2023) it is noted that technological change increases the labour demand through the creation of new jobs and tasks which have direct association with new technology whilst boosting employee productivity.

As per (Parker and Grote, 2022), it is brought to light that the options provided by new technologies for better matching the job demands with the resources which is seen as work design, needs to be addressed during the development, implementation and when using these technologies. Despite the positive effects technology may have on designing better roles, it is noted that the dual nature of the effects of technology on meaningful work where technology could upskill employees but could also be distarcted from other responsibilities and have less meaningful human work (Bankins and Formosa, 2023).


How can ChatGTP Assist Mangers in Designing Work and Jobs?

As per (Gibbs and Bazylik, 2022), one notes that at times technology compliments employees by increasing their performance ability in certain tasks or by simply automating either some all their tasks. The aforementioned depicts how changes are made to job design through the focus being on automating difficult employee tasks.

According to (Zhang and Parker, 2023), many managers lack understanding in order to design high quality jobs which reduce emplyoees work stress and disengagement. In keeping with (Zhang and Parker, 2023), one notes how artifical intelligence technologies such as ChatGPT help bridge knowledge gaps managers have and assisting in designing high quality work benfitical for both organizations and employees. (Bankins and Formosa, 2023) denotes how AI assists in showing autonomy by freeing human time to focus on other valuable tasks enabling them to develop and enhance their competancies which gives them more control over work. As per (Zhang and Parker, 2023), ChatGPT being an AI generative tool has the ability to design valuable work descisions however, clear instructions which prioritize outcomes for the workers need to be provided by the manager. In regards to the intiation it is stated that managers are required to mention their desirable specific goals during their question prompts as opposed to simply requesting good work design to ehance the quality of the suggested stratergies (Zhang and Parker, 2023).

Furthur to this notion, (Zhang and Parker, 2023) project an image stating that ChatGTP has become a promising tool which managers can use to design more productive healthier jobs. In keeping with (Zhang and Parker, 2023), managers when designing jobs or work with HR need to keep in mind  that ChatGTP cannot replace trainings, will augment and not replace people in designing better jobs and managers themselves need to have SMART designed jobs to support their teams.  


Impact of SMART Design

According to (Weintraub, Cassell and DePattie,  2021), SMART goals are motiavtional goals which provide clear performance standrads, the promotion of measuarble suceess and failure and calrity to name a few. (Centre for Transformative Work Design, n.d.),  contributes to the afore by stating that the SMART work design farmework could be used to design meaningful and motivational work based on the five identifed key areas which contribute to positive outcome creating a thriving organization. The key area are Specific, Mesurable, Acheiveable, Relavent, Time-bound. (Weintraub, Cassell and DePattie,  2021), evalutes the five key areas with Specific targetting a certain area to be improved, Measurable to indicate the gorgression, Assignable to specify who is to carry out which task, Realistic to state what can be achived in a realtic farme and finally Time-related to sepcify when results can be achieved.

As per (Centre for Transformative Work Design, n.d.), it is noted that through SMART work design, organizations and teams can perevent harm in terms to eliminating or mininzing psyological and physical harm prior to the occourance, enhance wellbeing which is beyong mental health and increased productivity which brings financial benefits. It is noted that Assignable is often times substituted for Attainable in the framework which highlights if one has the ability to accomplish a goal as per (Weintraub, Cassell and DePattie, 2021).  In another view, with realtions to ChatGTP, when it comes to designing job descriptions of the type of individual the organisation seeks for, the manager could add the farmework based on their ideal to the prompt and generate the most suitable job description for a position.


How can HR Utilize Technology to Carryout Functions related to Job Design?

(Budhwar et al., 2023) notes how ChatGPT helps human resources compose descriptions, screen for the best job applicants based off the job requirement, prepare interview questions and assist in developing training material. Furthure (Budhwar et al., 2023), denotes that ChatGPT can assist HR in writing policies in relation to hybrid working, absenteeism,employee engagement all of which could be done without any additional cost and lead to a competivie advantage as the HR employees are not required to spend extensive hours the aforementioned activities. The afore is supoored by (Navarra, 2023)  who states that writing job descriptions through ChatGPT is the most used area by HR. Some other examples of other HR tasks which could use the assistance of this AI tool could be for generating employee surveys, composing handbook material, drafting job candidate emails including offer letters, cross checking HR regulations with the law, report summarization.

Furthurmore, (Budhwar et al., 2023) shows how the interactive nature of bots could assist HR in learning and development as well as could address employee queries which may be provided by HR call centres at present. The afore is furthur elaborated by (Budhwar et al., 2023) who states that through AI tools such as ChatGPT assist in reducing time for HR in assemble information and instead utilize the time for core HR activities which are more people management oriented such as addressing employee problems, support line management and stratergic thinking contribution.


Primarily one notes how a current job role even in HR can be redesigned to get better outcomes from the HR team as they tend to be lesser stressed and can tend to more important relevant matters all because of generative tools such as ChatGPT which is the frontrunner and the most suitable tool to assist in work design. Hence, it is upon the managers and HR in the organization to correctly utilize this tool in collaboration in order, to find the best future employee who is a match for their organization.





Alexander Lammers, F. L. K. W., 2022. The relationship between works councils andfirms’ further training provision in times oftechnological change. British Journal of Industrial Relations .

Bazylik, M. G. a. S., 2022. How is new technology changing job design?. [Online]
Available at:

Design, C. f. T. W., n.d. SMART Work Design. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 18 November 2023].

Formosa, S. B. a. P., 2023. The Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) For Meaningful. Journal of Business Ethics Work.

Grote, S. K. P. a. G., 2022. More than‘more than ever’: Revisiting a workdesign and sociotechnical perspective on digital technologies. Applied Psychology.

Jared Weintraub, D. C. a. T. P. D., 2021. Nudging flow through ‘SMART’ goal setting to decrease stress, increase engagement, and increase performance at work. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.

Kerstin Hötte, M. S. a. A. T., 2023. Technology and jobs: A systematic literature review. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 194.

Navarra, K., 2023. ChatGPT and HR: A Primer for HR Professionals. [Online]
Available at:

Parker, J. Z. a. S. K., 2023. How ChatGPT Can and Can’t Help Managers Design Better Job Roles. [Online]
Available at:

Pawan Budhwar, S. C. G. W. H. A. G. J. B. J. R. B. P. B. F. L. C. S. D. A. D. P. K. D. D. G. A. J. K. A. M. J. P. S. P., 2023. Human resource management in the age of generative artificial intelligence: Perspectives and research directions on ChatGPT. Human Resource Management Journal.




  1. Adding to your ponts..Technology plays a crucial role in designing better roles within organizations by facilitating efficient task management, enhancing communication, and automating routine processes. Digital tools and software contribute to creating roles that align with evolving technological advancements, promoting flexibility and adaptability. By leveraging technology, organizations can streamline job responsibilities, increase collaboration, and foster innovation, ultimately leading to improved productivity and employee satisfaction.

    1. Agreed, technology can be also utilized to increase the performance for certain tasks and as you have mentioned even automante some tasks which replace a few tasks carried out by the employee. Hence, the focus on job design would be to try automating employee tasks which are vastly time consuming and which are required to be done in the process.

  2. Perhaps the article could delve deeper into the Assistance of Technology in Designing Better Roles while technology can assist in role design, human expertise remains crucial for ensuring roles are aligned with organizational goals and individual employee strengths (Boudreau & Guzzo, 1982)


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