Integrating Flexibility to Work Patterns to Maximize Employee Engagement When Designing Jobs
Flexibility plays a significant role in job satisfaction with regards to the modern organisation context which makes it an integral part of designing jobs. According to (Albrecht, Furlong and Leiter, 2023), organizational change is seen as a constant and positive employee attitudes is key for sucessful change. One needed note that felxibilty and working patterns are infleuntial on the levels of enagagement each employee may have. As per (Uhlig et al., 2023), felxibilty in organizations is deciding when to work, introduction work schedules which are flexible and collaborating across different time zones which often times require for organization members to vary and adapt when working. Therefore, it is shown that organizations should consider offering flexible work arrangements to maintain highly engaged employees who are passionate and have a sense of pride with connection to their work and the company making the oragnization move forth through the drive of innovat...